Wednesday, December 18, 2019

My Place for Diversity - 1699 Words

My Place for Diversity XXXXXX XXXXXX Comm/315 November 20, 2012 XXXX XXXXX My Place for Diversity An understanding of both the hidden dimensions of diversity and the visible can upsurges understanding and tolerance of the differences in every one of us. Diversity gives uniqueness to each of us and makes us interesting, however if you base your judgment on the visual and not the hidden dimension as well, then you are being judgmental to that person. The visual characteristics only encompass part of who that person is, which can then give you an inappropriate basis on your values. Understanding the hidden dimensions of diversity including the visual dimensions allows you to improve yourselves by removing ignorance and gaining†¦show more content†¦When you see many different sides of other cultures, you are now being well-versed, and can make sensible assessments about others. A lot of diversity is obvious, visual, and much another type is hidden. Most peoples diverse characteristics are not shown but, only brought out by talking and getting to know that person. For instanc e, Jenna, (profiled in; ‘My Place: The Place for Diversity’), she would have been judged only on her visual characteristics. If she would have been invited to my home from a family member then she most likely would have been base on her visual characteristics. Base on her many tattoos and piercings the first opinion that would have been that she would not be allow back in to the home because she appears to be up to no good and not a good influence on the family. If we knew about her hidden characteristic such as her mom died of cancer, that each of her piercings and tattoos has a meaning, and that she have degrees in English and was pursuing her Master in Communication then we would treat her and look at her in a different way. From the time you are born and well into your adult hood the events of your life can be another portion of character of diversity can be formed. Some people suffered from many different types of traumatic emotional events and abuse in their lives ; some have was raise in a family that was poor and might haveShow MoreRelatedMy Place - the Place for Diversity Multimedia Analysis1152 Words   |  5 PagesMy Place - The Place for Diversity Multimedia Analysis Coral Ann Rogers University of Phoenix Diversity Issues in Communication Comm / 315 Dr. Tatyana Thweatt August 07, 2011 My Place - The Place for Diversity Multimedia Analysis Diversity, a term that affects every person, group, and culture, is simply the ways that all of us are different. Diversity consciousness is our knack of distinguishing and adjusting to these differencesRead MoreBeh 220 Applied Final Project1643 Words   |  7 PagesFinal Project 2 Diversity Consciousness was offered to me as a science option for my Business Major. 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